Have you been feeling emotionally exhausted, overworked, and unsure?

Starting to wonder if what you’re doing is making any difference at all? Are you overwhelmed or barely keeping up with the world around you? Does your life feel like a never-ending rollercoaster with no time to stop and catch your breath? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this blog post is for YOU.

It’s no secret that 2020 has been jam-packed with enough chaos to last a century. From political protests to the global pandemic, you might be feeling like you’re playing a constant game of catchup. Imagine: thriving beyond the chaos, the overwork, and the endless to-do lists that never stop piling up.

Time to stop thinking and start doing the right next step! It’s easy to get lost in the busywork of day-to-day life. We chase the to-do lists like a hamster wheel, never stopping long enough to realize that these problems will ever truly go away. The work is never done.


Soar to Excellence® Coaching is here to tell you to press the pause button! Pause right now. Put down the excuses, empty promises, and random wishes for life to be better. Taking care of everyone but yourself hurts. Unburden yourself from some of these responsibilities and obligations that no longer serve you. Time to turn that attention to yourself. We’re here to share how you can begin today. 


Let’s get one thing straight—you are not powerless! Your Martyr Mindset® is what has you feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and underpaid. It’s the clue to everything! Being a bleeding heart isn’t paying off. Service and impact are great…until you’re dying for it. You don’t have to fall headfirst or sacrifice everything to win. You don’t have to trade your family time for other obligations, either. Stop giving yourself to people that haven’t proven their worth and start showing up for your real top priority. Yourself. No one will be able to replace you if you’re gone. No one will come anywhere close. So start treating yourself like the invaluable asset you are.


Make a list of what you can control: your resources. Top resources? Time, your energy, and who you spend your time with. These are all limited resources! It’s your currency! Let’s value and protect each one as such by being intentional.  Where we spend our mental, physical, and spiritual energy says a lot about what matters to us. It’s not impossible to adjust how you approach these choices, but it won’t be easy either. It may involve letting go of old ways and habits that no longer benefit you. Most importantly, it’ll mean creating an actionable plan of next steps.




Decide what 2021 looks like by putting the “CREATE” acronym into practice. Designed to help you let go of some old ways and take control of your life, each letter gives you an action plan to win.



 C → Catalyst 

Make “catalyst” your word for the year! It’s like chemistry class. Be someone who speeds up progress. Your talent, skill or experience in the room acts as a catalyst for change every single day. Being proactive is the way forward. We can’t wait for change so it’s time to get energized in your work and commit. Commit to challenging yourself in new ways. Commit to being more confident. Commit to building your community. By being a catalyst for change, there’s no ceiling to what you can accomplish or who you can help.

 R → Reflect

If you neglect to reflect on your past accomplishments and missteps, you miss out.  There are a wealth of opportunities for you to get better. Identify what is and isn’t working before you react. Manage your expectations, get past being so defensive, and make room for growth to achieve all your goals. In the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

 E → Evaluate 

It’s never a bad idea to evaluate the following questions: what are some measurable goals I can start putting into action? Do I personally know someone who has achieved what I’m striving for? What are some practices or strategies that have made others successful? People love to help so don’t be afraid to connect with your network and ask for it!

 A → Action

At Soar to Excellence® Coaching, we’re all about putting our words into action. Otherwise, it’s all potential we never reach. Aim for progress over perfection. Even a short-term plan aligned with your personal mission is effective. Action and results come more quickly with a catalyst! Aligning your tasks with your mission and holding yourself accountable is crucial. This is an action network so let’s behave as such.

 T → Time

Time is a limited resource. What are you prioritizing? “I’m too busy” is usually the result of saying yes without a written action plan. If your quality of life is not where you want it to be, protect your time. Schedule in the order of importance for both your personal and professional life. Keep yourself motivated with one of our favorite quotes from Confucius: “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”

 E → Empower

Empower yourself with the right tools that set you up for greater success on your terms! Resources like your local library and podcasts are only a few options to get more engaged and enable your growth. Reading a book is the best life hack ever! When in doubt, turn to some of our favorite old school classics. Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People offers the best tried and true solutions for navigating problems during difficult times. John G. Miller’s QBQ! The Question Behind the Question is another go-to read that covers how you’re asking all the wrong questions. Stop looking to others for answers and start adapting and developing yourself. These books are cult-classics for a reason. They are the answer to life, training you on the best practices for holding yourself accountable. We never stop being students so grab those study materials and start creating a vision so you can win!


Let’s get one thing straight—progress is painful. You won’t find any sugar-coating here. We like to tell it how it is. Transformation isn’t for the weak and you don’t need to like every step of the process. Instead, it’ll take hard work and uncomfortable conversations. It will involve tossing old habits out the window, making new friends that align with your goals, and forming new thoughts that uplift you. Anything short of this is like having one foot out the door at all times and that just won’t work—not for you and not for building a legacy you love!


As the seasons of your life evolve, creating an action plan will be crucial for making the vision of where you want to be a reality. That’s why we’ve included this downloadable PDF with 8 steps you can start enforcing TODAY! Hang it up in your office, your bedroom, the bathroom mirror, or even in your car to remind yourself of your goals and keep you motivated. Remember, time is one of the most limited resources we have so use it wisely. 

Put the “CREATE” acronym into practice 

Say NO to things that are blocking your goals 

Take ownership of what is and isn’t working

Get yourself an accountability partner (a friend, colleague, or social media group)

Put tasks that have been neglected to the top of your list

Ask someone who has achieved what you want to for help

Evaluate what has made others successful so you can model their tactics

View everything as an opportunity to win

This all may seem daunting today, but each step brings you closer to thriving. Keep your cup full by protecting your peace, shifting your priorities, and remembering everything you CREATE a plan for, you will rise.