Lifelong Learning: The Millionaire Hack to Success

Successful people are always in pursuit of knowledge. Their education doesn’t stop with a collegiate degree or when they exit the classroom. Instead, they’re curious and are constantly striving for the next opportunity to grow. And it’s a key component behind the achievement you can see.

It’s time to adopt this millionaire mindset. This commitment to consistent personal development maximizes your quality of life and can seriously enhance your understanding of the world around you.

Your potential is full of possibility. You can transform your life at any time. So how can you accept responsibility for empowering your mindset? Here are 5 ways all successful people commit to lifelong learning:


Read More

Books are a wonderland of knowledge and inspiration. In fact, the most successful people in the world make it a religious practice to read for hours daily. You will get there, too!

Revolutionize your life by taking notes from people you admire. In fact, according to Business Insider, Millionaires spend roughly 5½ hours a week reading for pleasure, compared to the average American’s 2 hours.” Success leaves clues and books are the perfect framework to ponder over rich food for thought.

The next time you’re tempted to binge-watch Netflix, try opting for a good book instead. Just check out its amazing benefits on stress reduction, memory, concentration, and more. Whether you’re reading for leisure or to expand your mindset, there are limitless options. In fact, here are two of our favorite reads for sparking personal growth:

  1. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield → The guide for how to take 100% responsibility of your life, move past rejection, and decide what you want. Increase your confidence, navigate challenges, and achieve with passion and purpose.
  2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey → yes, another book about habits. Personal and professional problems BEGONE! This step-by-step guidebook shares how to be more proactive, strive for win/win situations, and so much more.

Ask Questions

Have you avoided raising your hand in class in the past? Turns out that being inquisitive is a powerful tool for self-growth. In fact, according to the Harvard Business Review, it: 

  • Spurs learning and the exchange of ideas
  • Fuels innovation and performance improvement
  • Builds rapport and trust among team members
  • Mitigates business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Your curious mind is a huge asset, to yourself and any organization. It’s the golden rule of the classroom for a reason—there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Never be afraid to set the world on fire with your naturally curious mind.

If you’re still skeptical about the power of asking questions, check out John G. Miller’s book, QBQ! The Question Behind the Question. It’s a staple for personal accountability to break the cycle of blame, complaining, and procrastination. It even offers a new approach to thinking like, “How can I improve this situation?” “How can I make a difference?” and “What can I contribute?”

    Try New Things Regularly 

What if we only did the things we’re already good at? What if new thrills were the way to go?

Be honest with yourself—when was the last time you tried something new?

Abandoning your comfort zone can feel terrifying. Do not allow this fear of the unknown to prohibit you from ever starting. Instead, expand your mind and be daring enough to at least try something new.

Perhaps it’s signing up for that skydiving adventure. Or maybe it’s being vulnerable with a friend or romantic partner about a concern you’ve been sitting on.

If your routine’s been feeling a bit monotonous lately, try spicing it up! That includes putting a new spin on existing activities, too! That can mean going for a run outdoors instead of your same old treadmill at the gym. Or reading at the park or local coffee shop instead of at home on the couch. Whatever it is, be open-minded. Your updated routine could be the upgrade you have been longing for!


Explore No Pressure Hobbies 

Loving your job is great and all, but having unique hobbies that fuel your inspiration are equally important. And we’re not talking about activities you can monetize, either! Your hobby doesn’t need to be a lucrative side hustle. You’re allowed to have hobbies for no other reason than that they bring you enjoyment. That’s what they’re for!

But the benefits don’t stop there. Hobbies are fruitful for other reasons, too. For instance, they:

  • Teach you patience and new skills
  • Reduce boredom and enrich your life
  • Present different perspectives and ideas
  • Relieve stress and deepen relaxation and comfort
  • Broaden your knowledge across multiple disciplines
  • Expand your social circle and create bonds with new people
  • Boost your confidence, self-esteem, and pride in your accomplishments

 If you’re short on ideas of where to start, consider beginning with one of the following:

  • Writing
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Photography Drawing, art, or knitting
  • Watching documentaries
  • Learning a new language
  • Visiting local museums and art galleries
  • Dance classes (salsa, ballroom, swing, etc.)
  • Outdoor enthusiast (yoga, swimming, pilates, kickboxing, rock climbing, etc.)

For more ideas, check out This List of 50 Low-cost Hobbies Will Excite You.

                     Create Better Systems

Goal-setting is key for kicking things into gear. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry says it best when he writes, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” When getting your goals into motion, we recommend starting with Lifehack’s SMART acronym to keep your ambitions:

  • S → Specific
  • M → Measurable
  • A → Achievable
  • R → Realistic/Relevant
  • T → Time-bound

By using this framework, you can significantly upgrade your self-discipline and ditch the procrastination that’s been holding you back. It can also help you save time and visualize your goals into tangible milestones. The power to achieve your goals is in your hands. Being intentional and purposeful is crucial.

But what happens when your habits are the problem? Now that’s a different beast to conquer. That’s why we recommend James Clear’s best-selling book Atomic Habits. It’s a proven framework to form good, healthy habits that enable your success. All you need is the right systematic approach to overcome lack of motivation or willpower. That’s what’s really stopping you from those goals! Clear even says it himself, noting, “Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.” In other words, systems (NOT goals) are what will get you across the finish line.

Building your lifelong learning skills will do wonders for your long-term success. Start implementing these millionaire mindset practices to upgrade your life today!