4 Ways to Stand TALL and Build A Legacy

As fellow high-achievers, we know you want to take care of everyone. That’s why you’re on every Board, committee, and foundation under the sun. But what about your future? Why settle for retiring at 65 when you can be done by 50? With the right tools and strategies, you would only have to keep working if you want to. Let’s talk about that.

Are you happy? Do you feel stuck? When you started your career, you envisioned success and marriage. Or maybe you thought you’d be traveling all over the globe. You definitely thought you’d have it all figured out by this point. And now, there’s no syllabus or plan on what to do next.

Waiting doesn’t work. There are no magic puzzle pieces that naturally fall into place and make your future clear. No ma’am. You get what you make room for and luckily, success leaves clues! 

Here’s a friendly nudge. It’s time to start building the Legacy Life of your dreams. As you continue striving, you’ll need a reliable checklist to measure your progress. That’s why we’ve designed the TALL Acronym to showcase how Winners are intentional about setting themselves up for success.


1. T is for TEAM

“You get what you negotiate, not what you deserve!” says Dr. Bonnie Simpson Mason, best-selling author of The Doctor’s Ultimate Guide to Contracts & Negotiations. It’s not weak to ask for help. It doesn’t mean you aren’t competent or capable. In fact, trying to figure it all out on your own just isn’t efficient. Why not make your life easier by taking notes from those who have done it already?

Dr. Bonnie advocates that hiring a team of trusted advisors is a MUST. This Circle of Trusted Advisors is critical to help you navigate your personal and professional goals. That includes net worth and tough money conversations. 

Your Team may include: 

  • Coaches
  • Industry Mentors 
  • Insurance Brokers
  • Financial Advisors 
  • Bankers & Accountants
  • Business-Minded Colleagues
  • Health Law & Estate Planning Attorneys

No Winner can make it without a Team. It doesn’t matter if you’re a physician, entrepreneur, or have experience. Even coaches need other coaches to guide and mentor them along the way! And with the right advisors on your side, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.


2. A is for ALIGN

Put yourself parallel to those who have similar values, goals, and a strong work ethic. Build your network with peers AND those who are far ahead. Colleagues a few years your senior can recommend next steps. Often, they share their failures or tips relevant to your stage in the journey. Be intentional about surrounding yourself with motivated people who share your mindset and are striving.

According to the American Bar Association, strong support systems are valuable. They can lead to better coping skills, healthier life and well-being, as well as reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. When we’re struggling mentally, that’s when we need help the most. It takes a village to succeed, so don’t be afraid to lean on yours when you’re feeling low. 

And remember—no one succeeds alone. Get yourself an accountability partner that elevates your productivity and keeps you on track. We could all use a buddy to share and celebrate goals without fear, shame, or judgment. Your inner circle is your secret weapon to success and they can introduce you to plenty of new connections on LinkedIn, too. 

For more tips on how to achieve more, check out our blog post, Conquer ANYTHING With These 10 Test-Taking Tips


3. L is for LANGUISH 

In our recent blog post, we explored the symptoms of languishing, the gray area between flourishing and struggling. The New York Times defines it as “a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield.” They even call it the dominant emotion of 2021 that cripples our ability to function at full capacity.

Winners don’t dwell in this perpetual state of languishing. Instead, focus your energy on being proactive and seeking solutions. This involves: 

  • Finding new challenges 
  • Prioritizing uninterrupted focus time 
  • Setting boundaries to protect your peace
  • Focusing on small goals and triumphs each week

Safeguarding your mindset is essential. Winners tend to troubleshoot new ideas that boost their overall health. For more information on languishing, check out our entire blog post tackling the subject here.


4. L is for LEARNING 

People at the top don’t wait for things to happen. They’re constantly seeking support and information from reliable sources. By doing so, they’re consistently creating ways to learn, grow, and increase their wisdom. When you don’t have the answers, dig in.

When was the last time you picked up a book from those dusty shelves? Or listened to a podcast on a lengthy car ride? Success is about prioritizing. The time is there if you put the task on the calendar. 

Reading is a gateway to knowledge. An endless opportunity to continue improving your understanding of a wide array of topics. It’s a dependable way to elevate all areas of your life, so be ambitious about your reading list.

There’s no shame or weakness in asking for help. From World Class leaders to C-suite executives, you can empower yourself to achieve anything. As you adjust to new heights and chase new horizons, put these principles into practice. Plenty of successful people have failed so you don’t have to! Use their guidance to avoid the same pitfalls.

If you’re looking for a roadmap for lifelong learning, join us next week for our new blog post. We’ll have a comprehensive list of resources available just for you. Until then, don’t forget your downloadable copy of the TALL Acronym here! Designed to keep you encouraged and accountable, be sure to hang it in a visible place so you don’t forget it.